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PEEKSHOW Coming to NMSU on February 21-22

February 21-22, 2023

This event is made possible thanks to the support of the Creative Media Institute, University Art Museum, LGBT+ Programs, Gender & Sexuality Studies, and English Department, all of New Mexico State University.

February 21, 6:00-7:00pm

University Art Museum
New Mexico State University

1308 E. University Ave., Las Cruces, New Mexico, 88003
Location: Bleachers

Stop-motion film showing with Artist Talk Back (Peekaboo Pointe & Dr. Lynn Sally) First come, first served.

PEEKSHOW features the mind-blowing stop-motion short films of renowned performance artist Peekaboo Pointe (NYC). Her films are melancholy and campy, taking head-on issues such as the aging female body, what it means to be a performing artist in a digital age and her own personal struggles with fertility. As a queer multi-disciplinary artist, Peekaboo Pointe’s work celebrates the unveiled female form as a site of agency and subjecthood. 

PEEKSHOW includes a talkback between the artist Peekaboo Pointe and scholar Dr. Lynn Sally author of Neo-Burlesque: Striptease as Transformation, currently teaching “Performing Gender: Camp, Drag & Burlesque” at NMSU.


Stop Motion Film Workshop

February 22, 6:00-7:30pm; Class limited to 20. Sign up required.
Location: TBD

Video as Performance and the Performance of Video: How to Make Stop Motion Films on Your Phone

In this hands-on practicum, Peekaboo Pointe will demonstrate and model her art-making process for creating stop-motion short films, a process she was introduced to during her MFA program in Interdisciplinary Arts and one she developed– often obsessively – during COVID. She began to question what happens to performance without an audience. How can video itself be a type of performance, and what does that mean for both the live and the mediatized? Her films, and her process for making them, begin to unravel strict divisions between live and digital, the body and mind, all the while offering a tongue-in-cheek stance that permeates her work as a performer and choreographer.

The workshop will include students taking their hand at creating their own stop-motion films, using found objects (to be provided) and the serendipity of incongruous juxtapositions. No prior experience or materials necessary, though students will be asked to download an app on their phone or device in advance of the workshop.

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